4 500 000 000 000
cigarette butts are discarded in the environment, every year.
cigarette butts end up in the floor, every minute, in Portugal.
different toxic chemicals, in each cigarette butt
We want a butt free environment!
And we say it out loud for everyone to hear. This is the motto that moves us; it’s a manifesto to our existence. A vision that many believe impossible, but that many others dare to try. Thankfully. We know where we want to go, and how to get there. But for that we need your help. We need everyone’s help!
Join us for a #buttfreeplanet.
Beat the Butt’s mission is to change the way you look at cigarette butts and their impact on the environment. Our strategy combines a product (Beat the Butt Case), a collection Network and the transformation of butts into NEW products (Re-Butt Network).
Beat the Butt Pilot!?
Who are we?
“Beat the Butt was born one day, when I was watching a pitch about butt’s pollution and thinking that the problem was not that there isn’t enough trash bins. The problem is that trash bins are not the proper solution for smokers' everyday life. So, why not focus on that instead? From then until the creation of the first draft, it was fast, but to make it real, not so fast. This team of ordinary people believes there is still so much to do to help a bit on solving this problem. And we want YOU reading this, to be part of the change too, whether you are a smoker or not, because we can all make a difference.” Carla Portela
Talk to us
Everything starts with an idea and we had this, but we would love to hear your thoughts.
Any doubts? Want to know more? Want to be our partner? Suggestions? Want to join us?
Then...talk to us! ;)